Tag: v75

  • MagicalStory是一个成熟稳定且有自己特色的服务器,由085版本改072,他没有变态的装备、技能、道具,没有打破平衡的玩法,致力于为大家营造长久、耐玩、值得回忆的氛围,设计了全新的社交玩法、成就系统、家族系统、副本玩法等等,能够保持真实千人以上同时在线,物品保值可回收,是一个值得期待的冒险地,一起回到2004年的夏天吧。Q群1171257. MagicalStory is a mature and stable server with its own characteristics. It's changed from the 085 version to 072. It doesn't have any abnormal equipment, skills, props, or unbalanced gameplay, dedicated to creating a long-lasting, durable, memorable atmosphere for everyone, designed a brand new social play, achievement system, family system, replica play, etc. , to keep more than 1,000 real people online at the same time, it's a great adventure to look forward to. Let's go back to the summer of 2004. [Details]
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